Tech Self Help Articles » Gen 1.3 Repairs » Gen 1.3: Replace Pump

Gen 1.3: Replace Pump

Time:  15 minutes

  • Phillips head screwdriver


  • Gen 3/1.3 Brass Pump Assembly, including fittings – (#21005)

1.  Reposition controller and plastic cover.  See Gen 1.3:  Access components by Repositioning Cover.

2.  Remove existing pump

A.  Using Phillips screwdriver, remove the screw in the clamp that connects the pump and motor and pull the pump of the motor.

B.  Release the intake and discharge tubing from the push-to-connect fittings on the pump.

3.  Replace with new pump and test

A.  Insert intake and discharge tubing into push-connect-fittings on pump.  Push tubing into fitting and then pull back ensure good connections.

B.  Slide clamp with screw over pump and mate pump shaft to motor, then tighten the clamp.

C.  Run a remote or manual mist to ensure the unit is working properly.

5.  Return cover and controller to original position.