The Gen 3 Tankless Mosquito Misting System
MistAway’s tankless mosquito misting system is called the Gen 3. The best way to describe Gen 3 is that it comes with all the functions and features of our Gen 1.3 Super Drum unit but in a prettier package with more automated features.
Gen 3 occupies about one-third of the space of the 55-gallon Gen 1.3 unit. Its components are housed in a powder-coated aluminum cabinet, which means you can put it just about anywhere and it won’t draw attention.
In contrast to Gen 1.3, where concentrate is poured into the drum by hand and water is added through a garden hose, Gen 3 performs these steps automatically. The concentrate is supplied in a bottle that is plugged into a coupler in the unit.

The water is supplied by a direct connection to a water faucet. When a fresh bottle of concentrate is snapped in, the user programs a mix recipe that governs the ratio of water to concentrate, and the Gen 3 automatically meters in the right amount of both with each mist.
From a functionality standpoint, Gen 3 shares the same components, capacity and features as the Gen 1.3 Super Drum. Its pump and motor are capable of driving about 80 nozzles in a single zone and you can add a zone kit to double its capacity.
It has the same reliable, easy-to-use controller as the Gen 1.3 and the long range remote control is also standard.
The Features of the Gen 3 Mosquito Misting System
Gen 3 is also engineered to include the same important problem-solving features as the Super Drum unit.
It agitates the contents of its 2 gallon batch tank with every mist to inhibit biological growth and protect the nozzles from fouling.
The Gen 3 also has the same hardware to manage end-of-cycle pressure so that the nozzles do not stream or drip and also manage line fill so there is no delay in misting at the beginning of the mist cycle.
It will prevent a siphon from emptying the batch tank between mist cycles and leak detection to recognize a leak during a mist cycle and announce an error.
A healthy nozzle flow rate is essential for a misting system to be effective and Gen 3 has the ability to measure and report that.
The Gen 3 also accurately estimates the volume of concentrate remaining in the bottle based on knowing how much has been metered out since the last time it was replenished.
Like Gen 1.3, Gen 3 can also be accessorized with a nozzle circuit filter to reduce clogged nozzles. And, if you add iMistAway, our monitoring and management technology, you can use the iMist app as a remote to change the mist cycles and other controller parameters.
iMist will also provide information as to how your system is working. Is it misting? Is the flow rate healthy? Is there a leak? How much concentrate remains in the bottle?
Experience the Benefits of the Gen 3 Misting System
The Gen 3 mosquito misting system is an advanced, seamless solution for mosquito control.
Its tankless design eliminates manual mixing, offering a fully automated experience with snap-in concentrate replenishment, direct connection to an outside faucet, and digital dosing.
With its sleek and unobtrusive design, it blends seamlessly into any backyard environment.